Cadastre per Region
III Region
IV Region
V Region
VII Region
After consolidating the files and checking that the data was reliable, a list was created with all the prospects along the country, which contained all the information needed to be part of the cadaster. Within this information are considered volumes, laws, stripping ratio (SR), among others. In case the reports did not deliver all the fields of the list, but included those related to business potential (SMR, volume, laws), they were completed with data provided by experts in the area. In this way, it was possible to create a cadaster with all the information coming from 75 prospects, which will be listed by priority to see which would be the most convenient at the time of an eventual exploitation.
Throughout the history gold alluvial prospects along Chile have been in the south of the country, as the cadaster shows, a big portion of these is located between VIII and X region. Since the colonial period these prospects have been exploited, therefore it can be seen that in these regions there are more depleted deposits, too. On the other hand, there wasn’t found enough information to locate gold placers between the following regions I, II and XV, so the cadaster begins in the III region.
The prospect’s cadaster includes all the variables explained in the item of Consolidated Files. But to summarize the information, the following prospects are presented by region, considering only the business potential that they have (laws, volumes and resources).