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Project - Executive summary

Executive summary

To begin with the bibliographic review, reports available in the libraries of SERNAGEOMIN and SONAMI that had information related to gold placers in the country were searched. After this search a database was created with all the reports to be checked out and categories were created by the information contained. It is important to emphasize that the bibliographic review began in the SERNAGEOMIN library where 614 reports were reviewed and then the research continued at SONAMI’S library where 118 reports were reviewed.

After the review, 238 technical files were obtained, some of them referred to the same prospects. Therefore, the next step was to transform all these reports into consolidated files, gathering the information of several files into a single sheet by prospect (consolidated file).

After making all consolidated files and checking that the information was reliable, a list was created with all the prospects along Chile, which contained all the information that was necessary to be part of the cadaster. Within this information volumes, laws, sterile mineral ratio, among others elements are considered. In case the reports did not deliver all the fields of the list, but they included those related to business potential (SMR, volume, laws), they were completed with data provided by experts in the area. In this way, it was possible to create a cadaster gathering all information from 76 sites, which will be organized by priority to see which would be the most convenient at the time of an eventual exploitation.


After the cadaster and the field visits were finished, the consolidated files were completed with information that was corroborated in the field. That helped to make the information even more accurate. The next stage of the project was to carry out the economic evaluation of the prospects for that, 5 types of mining were created. Out of the 76 possible prospects to be evaluated, only 36 were valued since the rest of the prospects were depleted or did not reach the enough resources to be part of the economic evaluation (Mineralization Potential> 7,000 oz troy of gold). The total value of executing the projects base on their size of operation (mining type) is shown in the following table.

MBMH - Medium Big Mining High Efficiency. MMH - Medium Mining Low Efficiency. SMH - Small Mining High Efficiency.

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